SIMCheck Guide

SIMCheck Guide

The tru.ID SIMCheck API provides information on when a SIM card associated with a mobile phone number was last changed. This can be used when augmenting existing 2FA or anti-fraud workflows.

See SubscriberCheck for a solution that offers both phone number verification and SIM checking.

Before you begin

In order to perform a SIMCheck you'll need:

You're now ready to make your first SIMCheck API call.

Making a SIMCheck API call

The sequence diagram shows how SIMCheck works between your application server, the tru.ID API platform and the MNO (Mobile Network Operator).

sequenceDiagram participant Your Backend Server participant API as tru.ID participant Mobile Network Operator Your Backend Server->>API: POST /token activate Your Backend Server Your Backend Server->>API: POST /checks note right of API: Create SIMCheck API-->>API: Mobile Network Operator lookup note right of API: Determine the<br />registered Mobile Network Operator API->>Mobile Network Operator: Retrieve SIM info Mobile Network Operator-->>API: SIM info API-->>Your Backend Server: SIM info note right of Your Backend Server: Apply logic<br />based on no_sim_change

Making the SIMCheck API request involves two steps.

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